In the fourth and final installment, Maggie and Caleb must tie up all the loose ends of their lives and make a way to be together completely on their own. With everything that happened with Bish and Maggie's father, she's almost reluctant to move on and move out. And now she must figure out all of this...stuff...with Haddock. But of course, nothing can stay simple for the Jacobsons. Enemies who were thought to be dissolved have decided to not go down so easily. And old flames come calling for more than just Maggie. Caleb is torn between leading his family and personal wants. Maggie is torn between Caleb and being the leader of their people. But neither will let what they need most to be pushed to the wayside. They are determined to make it all work, design a plan toward destiny, and make everything right again for themselves and their family.
And then there's a wedding...
If you looked up the definition of 'cute' you would find a picture of this book. This series is the epitome of cute; it is cute bordering on cheesy and cringe inducing. If you aren't in the right mood when reading Independence and every Significance Series novel before this last installment you could easily hate these novels for their overload of cheesiness. Fortunately, after a long withdrawal from romantic YA novels and as I was feeling pretty down from my absolute lack of a significant other (you see what I did there? eh? eh?) I was in the perfect mood to read a romantic, chick flick-y book about two soul mates.
My expression, late at night/early in the morning, was a constant 'awwhr' shape. I couldn't not enjoy reading this book even though I did have a couple of 'what the' moments.
...I'm not sure why it took me until the last book to say this but what is up with the only heterosexual soul mates, do homosexual Aces not exist? Please do correct me if I'm wrong but there are no significant pairings where both significants are male/female.
Another qualm I had with this read was the fact that Caleb is SO over protective and always there. Earlier I said something about the cheesiness and in most books when either or both of the two people in the relationship are overly clingy or overly protective or fall in love too quickly I wouldn't read past the first couple of pages of the first book of the series, let alone the final novel. To be honest the reason I don't usually read those kinds of books is because they creep me out; the excessive love makes me really uncomfortable.
The sole reason why I was not only able to read this series but actually enjoy it quite a lot was due to NO CHANCE OF IT EVER HAPPENING IN REAL LIFE. For me this read was complete and utter escapism. I was able to look past the fast moving relationship and utter devotion between Caleb and Maggie and all the other significants because in real life people don't touch a stranger and see a mapped out future of them forever and they don't get with-freaking-drawals if they don't touch each other for a certain amount of time and they can't read each other's mind every single second of the day. That is impossible (and when said aloud, veeery creepy... and God, I just realised that I would absolutely hate for somebody to constantly be in my head) and because of the complete impossibility of the story I just wasn't too bothered with it all. If this book had been a portrayal of a realistic love story with Maggie and Caleb acting the way they do in this novel? That would.. no, just no.
Reading this series all depends on what kind of novel you want to read (like always...). If you're the type of person who completely despises excessive love and unrealistic development of relationships in fiction you should really probably give avoid this series at all costs. If you're like me and usually hate these relationships in realistic fiction but could possibly read it in an alternative universe where everything is cray-cray (I promise I just used 'cray-cray' ironically ;) ), maybe give the first novel a go.
But as this is a review for the Independence, the last novel in the series, you have probably read the others and with that in mind... overall this book is a pretty acceptable rounding off to a series. Like its predecessors the story line is put on the back burner to the love story but it's enjoyable to read. Even though this is the ultimate definition of fiction with nothing I can really learn from it to benefit me or affect me in my life I didn't like the lack of homosexual significants, the sometimes just TOO much 'you're mine' and 'claiming' between Maggie and Caled and I found the ending to be a bit too perfect with everyone so happy and jolly.
All in all I liked it but I didn't like bits but I did like it. :D
Music choice: I actually really like this song and although it doesn't completely show the excessive love in the novel this song is cute and I really did find a lot of the novel cute. Also the chorus pretty much sums up everything the Aces believe..
'Until you got love, you know you got nothin'
You're missin' that somethin' that's gonna set you free, yeah
Until you got love, you'll always be runnin'
'Cause love is that one thing that everybody needs'
Until You Got Love by Jon Mclaughlin
itunes link:
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